Narok town is Narok county’s capital city which is the largest city on the way to Maasai Mara National Reserve from Nairobi. It became a municipality in October 2019 due to the rapidly growing population. Figure 2 shows the official municipality boundary and demographical data from the latest census in 2019. The municipality covers the area of Narok Township (Narok Town & Oleleshwa), Nkareta (Nkareta, Naisuya & Olopito) and part of Ololulunga ward (Ereteti & Nkoben) (Narok County, 2021. The population and the number of households are 117,609 and 31,757 respectively.
60% of excreta generated is safely managed and the rest (40%) is unsafely managed. The safely managed excreta originate from FS contained - not emptied (32%), wastewater delivered to treatment and treated (2%) and FS delivered to treatment and treated (26%). The unsafely managed excreta originate from wastewater delivered to treatment but not treated (1%), wastewater not delivered to treatment (1%), FS delivered to treatment but not treated (1%), FS not delivered to treatment (9%), FS not contained - not emptied (14%) and open defecation (16%).
University of Leeds (2022). SFD Lite Report – Narok town, Kenya University of Leeds
Politicians and local decision makersPractitionersEnglishSFD Report