Real-time Monitoring of Handwashing Facilities in Myanmar H. Berhe (UNICEF Eritrea) (2022)

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the restriction of movement and closure of borders in many locations in Myanmar. This coupled with lack of access and mobility to certain areas for security reasons posed challenges to monitor handwashing interventions. In response, UNICEF developed a real time remote monitoring tool for handwashing facility distribution and installation using RapidPro, a free, open source software that allows users to easily build and scale mobile-based applications from anywhere in the world. The RapidPro monitoring tool enabled stakeholders to track progress made in distribution, installation and functionality of handwashing facilities and to further plan future interventions. Though initially deployed as a trial, this tool has the potential to be further developed and scaled up for additional remote monitoring applications in Myanmar and in other contexts.

Bibliographic information

H. Berhe (UNICEF Eritrea) (2022). Real-time Monitoring of Handwashing Facilities in Myanmar UNICEF

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Real-time Monitoring of Handwashing Facilities in Myanmar

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Real-time Monitoring of Handwashing Facilities in Myanmar

Published in: 2022
Pages: 6


H. Berhe (UNICEF Eritrea)

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