An Ecological Approach to Sanitation in Africa - A Compilation of Experiences EcoSanRes Fact Sheet 12 EcoSanRes (2005)

Practical information is urgently needed which will allow those living in rural, peri-urban and even some urban areas of Africa to build and practice the art of recycling nutrients from their own excreta in order to gain better crops and vegetables in their own back gardens. The work is primarily intended for use in African countries, where there is space, where back yard gardening is practised and where the climate is warm and wet seasons are interspersed with dry. These principles can be adapted to suit local conditions in various countries in the sub-region. The method chosen will depend on several factors, not least the amount of money available to build a facility and the willingness of the user to engage in the practice of recycling.

Bibliographic information

EcoSanRes (2005). An Ecological Approach to Sanitation in Africa - A Compilation of Experiences EcoSanRes Fact Sheet 12 SEI

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An Ecological Approach to Sanitation in Africa - A Compilation of Experiences

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An Ecological Approach to Sanitation in Africa - A Compilation of Experiences

Published in: 2005
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