How swachh (clean) is urban India today? Luthra, B., Karthykeyan, D. (2021)

A rapid assessment of sanitation in Urban India using a National SFD brings out the reality of actual situation on ground and also maps the gaps in various stages of the sanitation chain. Given that the next phase of Swachh Bharat Mission is around the corner, it would be worthwhile to extract learning from the Shit Flow Diagram of Urban India, so that interventions can be supported in the areas where still a lot of work needs to be done to achieve safe sanitation for all.

The blog is originally published on WSP (Water Science Policy) and available in various languages including English, Hindi, Spanish, Portuguese and French. You can find the link to the blog below.

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Bibliographic information

Luthra, B., Karthykeyan, D. (2021). How swachh (clean) is urban India today?

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How swachh (clean) is urban India today?

Published in: 2021
Pages: 0


Luthra, B., Karthykeyan, D.

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