These guidelines have been designed to help those involved in the assessment of emergency water sources to collect relevant information in a systematic way, to use this information to select a source or sources and to determine the appropriate level of treatment required to make the water suitable for drinking.
The guidelines, however, are not limited to the selection and treatment of water sources. The information collected will also be useful for:
■ the design and costing of the water supply system;
■ the ordering of material and equipment;
■ the organization of human resources; and
■ the implementation of the project.
A thorough assessment at an early stage will save valuable time later on.
Specifically, the guidelines will:
■ act as an aide-mémoire to assessors;
■ help to fill any knowledge gaps; and
■ assist in the training of future a
House, S. & Reed, R. (1997). Emergency Water Sources Guidelines for Selection and Treatment Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC)
Politicians and local decision makersPractitionersGuidelines and manualsEnglish