Scoping Study on Menstrual Hygiene Management in Periyanaicken-Palayam and Narasimhanaicken-Palayam TNUSSP (2018)

Improper disposal of menstrual waste is a noteworthy challenge when it comes to Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM). Polymeric sanitary napkins, which have largely replaced cloth napkins, are made of material that is non-biodegradable, leading to the accumulation of used napkins in landfills. Accumulated menstrual waste can be hazardous because menstrual blood on napkins stagnates for a long time allowing pathogens such as Escherichia coli (E-coli) to grow, thereby causing adverse health impacts. TNUSSP conducted a scoping study in four slums in PNP and NNP in Coimbatore district. The study was aimed at understanding and addressing the issue of MHM among adolescent girls and women residing in slums or slum-like informal settlements.

Bibliographic information

TNUSSP (2018). Scoping Study on Menstrual Hygiene Management in Periyanaicken-Palayam and Narasimhanaicken-Palayam Tamil Nadu Urban Sanitation Support Programme by Indian Institute for Human Settlements, Bengaluru, India

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EducatorsPractitionersEnglishMenstrual Health and Hygiene (MHH)


Scoping Study on Menstrual Hygiene Management in Periyanaicken-Palayam and Narasimhanaicken-Palayam

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Scoping Study on Menstrual Hygiene Management in Periyanaicken-Palayam and Narasimhanaicken-Palayam

Published in: 2018
Pages: 62

Tamil Nadu Urban Sanitation Support Programme by Indian Institute for Human Settlements, Bengaluru, India


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Indian Institute for Human Settlements

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