Safe collection and safe disposal of fecal sludge is a critical component of septage management in which desludging operators play a central role. In order to understand their work, consultations were conducted with desludging operators in the Periyanaicken Palayam and Narasimhanaicken Palayam town panchayats of Coimbatore district. These consultations aimed to understand the current desludging practices, the different kinds of business models and the overall regulatory and policy framework within which they operate. The exercise also looked into the working conditions of desludging operators and their issues and challenges in desludging and disposal. This report summarises the findings of the consultations and offers suggestions for streamlining their registrations and operations.
TNUSSP (2018). Desludging Operators in Periyanaicken-Palayam and Narasimhanaicken-Palayam: An Overview Tamil Nadu Urban Sanitation Support Programme by Indian Institute for Human Settlements, Bengaluru, India
Faecal sludge treatment processesFaeces or faecal sludgePractitionersEnglish
Type: application/pdf
Size: 4.34 MB
Published in: 2018
Pages: 56
Tamil Nadu Urban Sanitation Support Programme by Indian Institute for Human Settlements, Bengaluru, India
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