The report identifies major global gaps in WASH services: one third of health care facilities do not have what is needed to clean hands where care is provided; one in four facilities lack basic water services, and one in 10 have no sanitation services. This means that 1.8 billion people use facilities that lack basic water services and 800 million use facilities with no toilets. Across the world’s 47 least-developed countries, the problem is even greater: half of health care facilities lack basic water services. Furthermore, the extent of the problem remains hidden because major gaps in data persist, especially on environmental cleaning.
This report also describes global responses. In response to the 2019 World Health Assembly resolution on WASH in health care facilities, data from 47 countries indicates that more than 70% have conducted related situation analyses, 86% have updated and are implementing standards and 60% are working to incrementally improve infrastructure and operation and maintenance of WASH services. Case studies from 30 countries demonstrate that progress is being propelled by strong national leadership and coordination, use of data to direct resources and action, and the mutual benefits of empowering health workers and communities to develop solutions together.
WASH in Health Care Facilities
Highlights and Latest Resources - WASH in HCF
WHO, UNICEF (2020). Global Progress Report On Wash In Health Care Facilities World Health Organization, Geneva
Politicians and local decision makersPractitionersGuidelines and manualsFactsheets and policy briefsEnglishImport to Sanitation Workers Platform
WASH in Health Care Facilities
Highlights and Latest Resources - WASH in HCF
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