Ahraura is situated at a distance of 60km from Mirzapur District, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. The city lies in the Vidhyan Range, and at a distance of 340 km from the state capital, Lucknow. The population of the city, as per the Census of India, 2011 is 23,094. Population. The density of the city is 6,242 persons per sq.km, which is considerably high, when compared to that of Uttar Pradesh, i.e. 828 persons per sq.km. The current population according to Swachh Survekshan 2020 is 29,960.
In the premises of city Lakhaniya Dari is a water fall where people come to enjoy the beauty of nature. There is a Bhandari Devi temple where many people come for worship in festival and fairs like Sawan Mela and Teej Mela with 20k to 25k persons per year.
The city is located at 25.020 N latitude and 83.020 E longitude with an average altitude of 84 m above Mean Sea Level (MSL). The climate is dry sub-humid to moist sub humid. The temperature rises maximum to 41.8°C during peak summer season and drops down to minimum of 9.6°C during the winter season1. Ahraura city lies in a moderate to high rainfall region with the lowest being in April up to 3 mm and highest in August up to 345 mm (UPJN, 2014).
CSE (2020). SFD Lite Report - Ahraura, India Centre for Science and Environment
Politicians and local decision makersPractitionersEnglishSFD Report