In 2013, BMGF/DFID initiated a partnership to promote private sector participation in nonnetworked sanitation and improve capabilities of sanitation service authorities to govern these partnerships. Targeted cities were expected to have a clear mandate to provide urban services for all, including for the non-networked poor; and interest to develop and test models to engage the private sector in a coordinated, formal manner through structured service-level agreements (SLAs), as a form of public-private partnerships, to ensure the delivery of equitable, sustainable sanitation services at a city level.
In August 2017, BMGF/DFID commissioned a rapid cross-regional review of the outcomes of this partnership portfolio and identified lessons which can be applied to future projects and in cities’ future investments in sanitation services. This report documents key lessons from this partnership portfolio regarding
the engagement of private partners through structured SLAs in the delivery of inclusive and sustainable urban sanitation services.
Srinivasan, S. (2018). Service Level Agreements for Inclusive Urban Sanitation Services Lessons from a Global Review IFMR LEAD
Urban (entire city)English
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