WoMena FAQs: Can you use a Menstrual Cup when also using an IUD? WoMena (2018)


Based on available evidence, expert opinion, recommendations from health authorities as well as from manufacturers, there is little scientific evidence to indicate that menstrual cup use increases the risk of IUD expulsion, and therefore little reason for IUD users to exclude using an MC. In the spirit of precaution, and until better evidence is available, possible users should be counseled:

1. Follow instructions regarding correct placement of the MC in the lower part of the vagina, releasing the cup’s suction by pinching the bottom on the MC prior to removal.

2. IUDs have certain limitations, even for women who are not using an MC. They are fairly frequently expelled (5-10% within the first 3 years after insertion, especially during menstruation), and pregnancy occurs in 1-2% of users. That is, these problems are not necessarily related to MCs. Therefore, you should consult a health provider if the IUD is expelled or dislodged, or any other concerns arise, whether or not you are using an MC.

3. In cases where it may be difficult to consult with a health provider, or where it is not possible to easily get an IUD refitted, it may be best to counsel against MC use for women who have IUDs, until more definitive information is available.

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Bibliographic information

WoMena (2018). WoMena FAQs: Can you use a Menstrual Cup when also using an IUD?

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WoMena FAQs: Can you use a Menstrual Cup when also using an IUD?

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WoMena FAQs: Can you use a Menstrual Cup when also using an IUD?

Published in: 2018
Pages: 4



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