Programming Areas and Principles for Governments to Operationalize the Call to Action for WinS Monse, B., Venkatesh, M. (2017)

The three broad areas of WASH in schools programming are around a) management, b) hygiene promotion for behavior change, and c) water, sanitation and hygiene hardware. Management includes but is not limited to i) defining benchmarks to achieve national standards, ii) developing a recognition system to award schools for achieving benchmarks, iii) operation and maintenance of WinS facilities, and iv) planning, budgeting, and resource allocation for WinS at all governance levels. Hygiene promotion includes but is not limited to i) institutionalizing hygiene and cleaning routines in schools, ii) supported by approaches that build on hygiene knowledge, attitudes, and practices and iii) nudges and other innovations for promoting hygienic behaviors. Water, sanitation and hygiene hardware needs to be contextually defined, while being scalable, equitable (accessible to students of all abilities and in all geographies), simple and easy to maintain and sustain at a low-cost.

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Bibliographic information

Monse, B., Venkatesh, M. (2017). Programming Areas and Principles for Governments to Operationalize the Call to Action for WinS Output of the programme guidance group, WinS network meeting 2017 - UNC Water and Health Conference , 16 October 2017

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Programming areas and Principles for Governments to Operationalize the Call to Action for WASH in Schools

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Programming Areas and Principles for Governments to Operationalize the Call to Action for WinS

Published in: 2017
Pages: 4

Output of the programme guidance group, WinS network meeting 2017 - UNC Water and Health Conference , 16 October 2017

Monse, B., Venkatesh, M.

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