School sanitation - a common challenge in Kenya SuSanA (2010)

School sanitation - a common challenge in Kenya. The video shows the state of toilets and their negative influence on the hygiene situation and learning conditions in schools. The installation of ecosan systems is generating the confidence amongst the school staff to solve their sanitation problems and to gain from the benefits of biogas use, fertilizer and the irrigation water thereby saving on costs and boosting agricultural production.

This project was financed by EU, SIDA and GIZ (BMZ). It had been implemented by the EcoSan Promotion Project of the GIZ in 2007 to 2010. More than 800 toilets, so called Urine Diversion Dehydration Toilets (UDDTs) were constructed with CBOs and beneficiaries at households and at schools in rural and peri-urban areas. A different technology called pour-flush toilets in combination with Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems (DEWATS) was constructed in 7 schools and at 3 public places.

Bibliographic information

SuSanA (2010). School sanitation - a common challenge in Kenya

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SchoolsVideos and webinar recordingsEnglish

School sanitation - a common challenge in Kenya

Published in: 2010
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