Gender and the sanitation value chain: A review and case studies (webinar and report) Various Authors (2018)

The gender and sanitation value chain report is the first in a series of evidence reviews commissioned by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to highlight how gender influences development outcomes across sectors. This report seeks to uncover the evidence on gender differences in the sanitation value chain to show why gender matters across this sector. It includes an assessment of gender differences in sanitation use and maintenance and in participation in the sanitation sector and marketplace. Not all gender differences lead to disparities in outcomes, but this review shows that women do suffer disproportionately negative outcomes compared to men.


The webinar, Gender in the Sanitation Value Chain, which was conducted by BMGF on February 27th 2018 was meant to provide the following:
o An update on the steps we have taken at the foundation to build our gender capacity internally;
o A look at where the foundation’s gender equality strategy is going;
o A deep dive into evidence; and
o Examples of how gender affects sanitation, based on an evidence review conducted by the WSH and Gender Equality teams in 2017.

Bibliographic information

Various Authors (2018). Gender and the sanitation value chain: A review and case studies (webinar and report) The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), Seattle, USA

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Case studies in other formatsVideos and webinar recordingsEnglishGender equality


Gender and the sanitation value chain - Evidence Review (EN)

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Size: 0.84 MB


Gender Case Study - Community-led Sanitation in Timor-Leste

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Size: 1.64 MB


Gender Case Study - Market-based solutions in Cambodia

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Size: 2.18 MB


Gender Case Study - Sanitation Product and Service Delivery in Kenya

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Size: 3.6 MB


WSH Gender Webinar

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Size: 1.53 MB


Gender and the sanitation value chain: A review and case studies (webinar and report)

Published in: 2018
Pages: 0

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), Seattle, USA

Various Authors

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