Beyond development aid: Sanitation financing & revenue models in reuse (human) waste Conference Proceedings WASTE Netherlands, IFS (2017)

The Institute for Fiscal Studies, in collaboration with WASTE, organized the conference “Beyond Development Aid: Sanitation Financing & Revenue Models in Reuse (human) Waste” in The Hague, Netherlands, the 15th of May 2017.
This conference brought together from different parts of the world; academics, practicioners and policymakers with the aim to generate knowledge regarding sanitation financing and Revenue models on sludge reuse.

The subject of the morning session was on financing of sanitation. Financial specialists were outnumbered in the afternoon by WASH specialist who looked into revenue models in reuse of human waste. Lastly, it was outlined how WASTE has been structured to remain relevant and flexible in These new Settings with the Setting up of a Cooperation, WASTE Coop uA, next to the Foundation and the WASTE BV.

Bibliographic information

WASTE Netherlands, IFS (2017). Beyond development aid: Sanitation financing & revenue models in reuse (human) waste Conference Proceedings WASTE Netherlands & Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS)

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Beyond development aid: Sanitation financing & revenue models in reuse (human) waste

Published in: 2017
Pages: 279

WASTE Netherlands & Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS)

WASTE Netherlands, IFS

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