Strengthening public sector enabling environments to support sanitation enterprises Water for People (2016)

Billions of people lack access to a decent toilet. Attempts to address this gap through direct-subsidy models have often been proven unsustainable as, given resource limitations, they are unable to provide desirable toilets that families are likely to use and maintain over time. Based on private sector success in low-income markets, business-based approaches may be able to help bridge this gap through sustainable market-based mechanisms and associated incentives to meet the needs and desires of lower-income households.

Water For People is piloting sanitation business approaches and seeks to discover under what conditions these approaches are successful. Public sector influence is one condition that has the potential to facilitate or hinder private sector sanitation endeavors. This study aims to understand: (1) how the public sector enabling environment can facilitate or hinder low-cost sanitation enterprises; and (2) how NGOs can effectively engage the public sector to support sanitation businesses. Data were collected from Water For People staff and partners in nine countries and summary case studies were coded to discover prevailing themes.

Bibliographic information

Water for People (2016). Strengthening public sector enabling environments to support sanitation enterprises Water for People, United States

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Strengthening public sector enabling environments to support sanitation enterprises

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Strengthening public sector enabling environments to support sanitation enterprises

Published in: 2016
Pages: 43

Water for People, United States

Water for People

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