WASH-Friendly schools A training resource for SPLASH use USAID (2014)

The WASHplus project supports healthy households and communities by creating and delivering interventions that lead to improvements in access, practices, and health outcomes related to water supply, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) and indoor air pollution (IAP). This five year project (2010-2015), funded through USAID’s Bureau for Global Health (AID-OAA-A-10-00040) and led by FHI 360 in partnership with CARE and Winrock International, uses at-scale programming as well as integrated approaches to reduce diarrheal diseases and acute respiratory infections, the two top killers of children under five years of age globally. WASHplus integrates WASH and IAP activities into existing education, HIV/AIDS, maternal and child health and nutrition programs and builds strong in-country partnerships to increase impact. In addition, WASHplus is charged with promoting innovation in the WASH and IAP sectors.

Bibliographic information

USAID (2014). WASH-Friendly schools A training resource for SPLASH use United States Agency for International Development, Washington DC, USA

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WASH-Friendly schools

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WASH-Friendly schools

Published in: 2014
Pages: 130

United States Agency for International Development, Washington DC, USA


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