The German WASH Stakeholder landscape WASH ePaper, Issue No. 2 (in English, French, German and Spanish) GTO (2015)

The WASH e-paper is an online magazine published at regular intervals in German and English. Each edition takes a closer look at a current key issue in the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector and related areas. It also provides updates on forthcoming national and international events, highlights current publications and projects, and reports on news from the sector. The WASH e-paper is published by the German Toilet Organization in close cooperation with the German WASH Network and the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) .

This second issue of the WASH e-paper represents a snapshot of the current German WASH stakeholder landscape in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid. It also provides a comprehensive overview of Germany’s central public and civil society organisations, institutions and networks and the current focus of their work. We hope you enjoy reading this issue!

IN THIS ISSUE… 01 Ministries 02 Governmental implementing organisations 03 Civil society stakeholders, networks and associations 04 Forums in which Germany plays a special role 05 Members of the German Bundestag with links to WASH 06 Calendar of key WASH events in 2015 / 2016 07 Recent WASH publications 08 Recommended reading – our top five

Bibliographic information

GTO (2015). The German WASH Stakeholder landscape WASH ePaper, Issue No. 2 (in English, French, German and Spanish) German Toilet Organization in collaboration with the German WASH Network and the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA), Germany

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WASH ePaper, Issue No. 2 - The German WASH Stakeholder landscape

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The German WASH Stakeholder landscape

Published in: 2015
Pages: 25

German Toilet Organization in collaboration with the German WASH Network and the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA), Germany


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