Non-conventional sewerage services / Services d'assainissement non conventionnels (in English and French) Methodological guide n° 7: When to choose this option, how to implement this solution Ily, J. et al. (2014)

This document is available in English and French.

The aim of this guide is to support contracting authorities, local decision-makers and their partners to develop their sanitation service by providing them with decision-making tools and practical methodological approaches. This guide will help these stakeholders determine whether non-conventional sewerage really is the most appropriate option for the area concerned. If this option is selected, it will also help them coordinate their project effectively and provide them with a clear understanding of the management methods that can be used and of the skills and know-how required.

There are two main types of sanitation system that can be used to meet household demand for sanitation services in developing countries: on-site sanitation, whereby individual facilities are built for each household; and conventional sewerage, such as that used in many towns and cities. However, in some areas, installing these types of sanitation is not always possible and alternative sewerage systems have had to be developed. These systems, called ‘non-conventional sewerage’ in this guide (and which include both simplified and settled sewers), overcome some of the constraints associated with conventional sewerage (smaller diameter pipes, which are laid at shallower depths, and simplified connections, etc.), which results in a lower investment cost. Non-conventional sewerage services also differ from conventional sewerage by virtue of their scope (covering a residential area rather than the whole town), allocation of responsibilities and the management method used.

French title: Services d'assainissement non conventionnels - Guide méthodologique n ° 7 Quand choisir cette option, comment implémenter cette solution

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Programme Solidarité Eau

Bibliographic information

Ily, J. et al. (2014). Non-conventional sewerage services / Services d'assainissement non conventionnels (in English and French) Methodological guide n° 7: When to choose this option, how to implement this solution pS-Eau, France

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 Programme Solidarité Eau


Non-conventional sewerage services in English

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Service d’assainissement par mini-égout in French

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Non-conventional sewerage services / Services d'assainissement non conventionnels (in English and French)

Published in: 2014
Pages: 116

pS-Eau, France

Ily, J. et al.

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