FSM 3 Conference - Workshop 4A FSM Systems Approach for Implementation and Operation: Research into Practice: Towards standardization of FS quantification and characterization on a city-wide scale Various authors (2015)

The workshop aimed at presenting, collecting and creating knowledge on the current state of art for faecal sludge quantification and characterization with the overall goal of working towards the design and development of appropriate faecal sludge treatment technology infrastructure. Standard accepted methods for sampling, analyzing and estimating flows of faecal sludge do not exist, which contributes to the high variability of observed results. Applied laboratory methods for characterization are often adapted from wastewater analysis and in many cases do not fit the context for faecal sludge analysis. There is no consensus about the adaptation of wastewater methods in addition to the added difficulty of faecal sludge being divergent and heterogeneous in its characteristics.

All workshop presentations are available on

Presentations *Research into practice: The influence of sampling location on FS characteristics: Magalie Bassan, Eawag, EPFL, Lungi Zuma, Pollution Research Group, University of KwaZulu-Natal *How to approach faecal sludge quantification and characterisation on a city-wide scale: Lars Schoebitz, Eawag *Producing transparent results through appropriate QA/QC, data organization and storage: Moritz Gold, Eawag *Development of standard operating procedures for faecal sludge laboratory analyses: Tina Velkushanova, Merlien Reddy, Pollution Research Group, University of KwaZulu-Natal

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Presentations - FSM 3 Workshop 4A

Bibliographic information

Various authors (2015). FSM 3 Conference - Workshop 4A FSM Systems Approach for Implementation and Operation: Research into Practice: Towards standardization of FS quantification and characterization on a city-wide scale FSM3 - WS 4A, Hanoi, Vietnam

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Faecal sludge treatment processesUrban (entire city)PresentationsEnglish

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 Presentations - FSM 3 Workshop 4A


Development of standard operating procedures for faecal sludge laboratory analyses

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How to approach faecal sludge quantification and characterisation on a city-wide scale

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Size: 0.39 MB


Producing transparent results through appropriate QA/QC, data organization and storage

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Size: 2.06 MB


Research into practice: The influence of sampling location on FS characteristics

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Size: 1.39 MB


FSM 3 Conference - Workshop 4A

Published in: 2015
Pages: 0

FSM3 - WS 4A, Hanoi, Vietnam

Various authors

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