FSM 3 Conference - Workshop 2 Scaling-up sanitation businesses in low- and middle-income countries Various authors (2015)

Resource recovery is important to consider before choosing a method for faecal sludge treatment and management, to ensure technologies are adequately and appropriately designed to produce resource recovery products. The workshop covered a wide range of resource recovery opportunities from faecal sludge including composting, vermicomposting, protein, fodder and plants, building materials and biofuels. The speakers are acknowledged leaders in their fields, and have been chosen from different countries and regions to better represent the diversity of the issues. The workshop was designed to be interactive and participatory, and facilitated active involvement of the participants. Successful case studies were presented.

All workshop presentations are available on

Presentations *Lessons From Scaling Cartridge-Based Sanitation (CBS): Working Towards Viable Service Provision In Dense Urban Settings: re-source *Freetown Transfer Station Experiences: Niall Boot, GOAL *Fecal Sludge – De-sludgeing, Transportation, Biogas Producing Transfer Station: Christopher Kellner, BORDA *Zambian Case Study FSM as of delegated management model: Steffen Blume / Trevor Surridge, GIZ *Fecal Sludge Treatment Plant (Private Model): BORDA/ CDD Society, Kengeri Bangalore *Emergency Transfer Stations - HIF: Niall Boot, GOAL *Feedback from FSM3 Workshop 2: Scaling-up sanitation businesses in low- and middle-income countries

External Website(s)

Presentations - FSM 3 Workshop 2

Bibliographic information

Various authors (2015). FSM 3 Conference - Workshop 2 Scaling-up sanitation businesses in low- and middle-income countries FSM3 - WS 2, Hanoi, Vietnam

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Faecal sludge treatment processesUrban (entire city)PresentationsEnglish

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 Presentations - FSM 3 Workshop 2


Emergency Transfer Stations - HIF

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Size: 0.37 MB


Fecal Sludge – De-sludgeing, Transportation, Biogas Producing Transfer Station

Type: application/pdf
Size: 1.37 MB


Fecal Sludge Treatment Plant (Private Model)

Type: application/pdf
Size: 0.46 MB


Feedback from FSM3 Workshop 2: Scaling-up sanitation businesses in low- and middle-income countries

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Size: 7.73 MB


Freetown Transfer Station Experiences

Type: application/pdf
Size: 0.91 MB


Lessons From Scaling Cartridge-Based Sanitation (CBS): Working Towards Viable Service Provision In Dense Urban Settings

Type: application/pdf
Size: 2.59 MB


Zambian Case Study FSM as of delegated management model

Type: application/pdf
Size: 0.68 MB


FSM 3 Conference - Workshop 2

Published in: 2015
Pages: 0

FSM3 - WS 2, Hanoi, Vietnam

Various authors

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