Engaging Sanitation Entrepreneurs - Supporting private entrepreneurs to deliver public goods Schaub-Jones, D., Valfrey-Visser, B. (2008)

This background paper addresses the issues and opportunities surrounding the engagement of small-scale private enterprises in delivering sanitation services in an urban setting. More than in water sector, entrepreneurs are active in the sanitation sector, providing a valuable service to many millions of households worldwide. This relationship is largely in the private sphere, and justifiably so, yet with the public health and environmental consequences of both good and bad sanitation, there is also a strong argument for the public sector to play a larger role than it toes currently. Given the prevalence of sanitation entrepreneurs and their vital importance, particularly to medium- and lower-income communities, if the sanitation MDG is to be met, arguably it can only be done through intelligent accommodation with them and with their customers. Yet the field is extremely diverse, with different types of providers active (with different types of customers) throughout the sanitation chain. Suggestions for engagement strategies must not only be cognisant of this, but also need to be aware of how the different segments link up – on-site sanitation works best (and delivers on public goods) when the system as a whole links together well. The concept of private, public and providers’ goods are helpful in unpacking why and how outsiders should seek to engage with sanitation entrepreneurs (and vice versa) as it is the idea of sanitation transactions, that can be both supported and regulated by the public sector and its allies. These two concepts also help us elaborate the particularities of sanitation (in contrast to its closest “cousins”, water and solid waste) and let us build on a good understanding of how the providers work towards wider knowledge of how the sanitation market works city-wide and what tangible steps can be taken to support and expand this. This leads to suggestions of what future discussions and research could focus on, if it is to explore and add value to this vital area.

Bibliographic information

Schaub-Jones, D., Valfrey-Visser, B. (2008). Engaging Sanitation Entrepreneurs - Supporting private entrepreneurs to deliver public goods Building Partnerships for Development (BPD), UK

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Engaging Sanitation Entrepreneurs -Supporting private entrepreneurs to deliver public goods

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Engaging Sanitation Entrepreneurs - Supporting private entrepreneurs to deliver public goods

Published in: 2008
Pages: 0

Building Partnerships for Development (BPD), UK

Schaub-Jones, D., Valfrey-Visser, B.

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