Increase of biogas production using low-cost nanoparticles Various documents on results from research grant Sánchez, T. (2013)

This library entry contains background documents for a grant that Toni Sánchez is leading and which is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Further information and a discussion is available on the SuSanA discussion Forum, see link below. Short description of the project: We have observed in batch experiments how the introduction on iron oxide nanoparticles in a standard anaerobic digester of wastewater sludge is able to increase the production of biogas by more than 70%. These experiments have been conducted at low-scale (1 L) and using pure substrates as cellulose. Our main interest is to see if this increase in the biogas production and, inconsequence, in renewable energy produced from wastes, is also observed under realistic conditions, that is: At least, pilot scale reactors With continuous feed With other wastes, such as MSW Goal(s): To increase the production of biogas from sludge and other organic solid wastes using low cost iron oxide biocompatible nanoparticles (FeNPs) and the simultaneous production of high quality sanitized compost. Objectives (or activities or key research components): Scale-up the anaerobic digestion to develop continuous or semi-continuous processes, similar to those of full-scale reactors. Scale-up the production of iron oxide NPs to have an estimation of the production costs of these materials at full-scale. To test if the increase production of biogas is stable in time and the digester is able to overcome the typical feed variations when using wastewater sludge as substrate. To test other real wastes to determine the feasibility of the process (for instance, MSW and manure). To produce high-quality compost from the digested materials. Start and end date: November 1st 2011- October 31th, 2013. +++++++++++ Documents available for download below: - none available yet, please check back later

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Bibliographic information

Sánchez, T. (2013). Increase of biogas production using low-cost nanoparticles Various documents on results from research grant Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

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Biogas systems Fundamental research and engineeringEnglish

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 Further information on discussion forum

Increase of biogas production using low-cost nanoparticles

Published in: 2013
Pages: 0

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

Sánchez, T.

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