MAP crystallization from urine – assessment of the international adaptability Peng, J. (2012)

In GIZ German headquarters in Eschborn, a MAP reactor for struvite crystallization from urine was installed within the research project SANIRESCH. Because urine has a high potential of nutrient recovery, especially phosphorus, phosphorus can be recycled as MAP fertilizer and applied in agriculture. Within this thesis, international feasibility of this technical approach was investigated. Urine and MAP’s characteristics were reviewed through a literature study. The technological performance of MAP crystallization reactor in project SANIRESCH was determined and evaluated. By using a utility analysis, based on the fundamentals of sustainable sanitation, the potential for international transferability was assessed. Concerning worldwide transferability, forty-five countries were assessed in the study. Due to the environmental conditions including phosphorus import and consumption, eutrophication, high population density and high urbanizationrate, and also the Mg reserves, urban areas in sub-Sarah and south-Asia and south-America were identified as hotspot of the implementation of MAP reactor.

Bibliographic information

Peng, J. (2012). MAP crystallization from urine – assessment of the international adaptability MSc thesis, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Institut IWAR, Fachgebiet Abwassertechnik, Germany

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MAP crystallization from urine– assessment of the international adaptability

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MAP crystallization from urine – assessment of the international adaptability

Published in: 2012
Pages: 0

MSc thesis, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Institut IWAR, Fachgebiet Abwassertechnik, Germany

Peng, J.

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