Sanitation technology meets aesthetic design mosan - a mobile dry toilet inspired by handcrafted shapes Mijthab, M. (2012)

Separation of urine and faeces into two inner containers. Faeces are kept dry by covering with ash. A tight-fitting lid and layers of ash avoid smell. Full inner containers are emptied daily and transported off-site by collectors. The sanitation system includes: delivery of the toilets to households, user training, daily emptying, maintenance of toilet and safe excreta management with treatment and disposal or reuse. Users rent the toilet for a low monthly fee. Compost fertiliser can be produced. The toilet was designed by the industrial designer Mona Mijthab in cooperation with the GIZ Urban Governance Infrastructure Improvement Project in Bangladesh (UGIIP-2). First acceptance tests and survey carried out in May 2011.

Bibliographic information

Mijthab, M. (2012). Sanitation technology meets aesthetic design mosan - a mobile dry toilet inspired by handcrafted shapes Poster at the Dry Toilet Conference in Tampere, Finland

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Urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs) Urban informal settlements (slums)Posters, brochures and flyersEnglish


Sanitation technology meets aesthetic design

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Sanitation technology meets aesthetic design

Published in: 2012
Pages: 0

Poster at the Dry Toilet Conference in Tampere, Finland

Mijthab, M.

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