Documentation and evaluation of ecosan experiences in Uganda Preliminary do’s and don’ts in EcoSan implementation in Uganda Niwagaba, C. (2005)

Ecological sanitation (ecosan) was introduced in Uganda as an alternative sanitation system that could solve the problems of traditional means of human excreta management namely difficult soils (rocky as well areas with high water table), need for digging new pits which is expensive and sometimes there may not be enough land for digging new pits in the case of pit latrines; high initial cost as well as high operation and maintenance costs in the case of water borne systems; and potential for contamination of ground water by both systems. Examples depicting the extent of the problem of traditional sanitation systems were twofold. The first was the 1997 hydro-geological study which showed that the veins of the Chuho water source were passing beneath the Kisoro town, suggesting a serious health risk of pit latrines in the town. The other was the difficulty of constructing pit latrines in Muhanga trading center where most toilets were collapsing due to high water table and unstable soils.

Bibliographic information

Niwagaba, C. (2005). Documentation and evaluation of ecosan experiences in Uganda Preliminary do’s and don’ts in EcoSan implementation in Uganda Government of Uganda Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment, The Directorate of Water Development, Uganda

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Urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs) Faeces or faecal sludgeUrineRuralEnglish


Documentation and evaluation of ecosan experiences in Uganda

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Documentation and evaluation of ecosan experiences in Uganda

Published in: 2005
Pages: 0

Government of Uganda Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment, The Directorate of Water Development, Uganda

Niwagaba, C.

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