Hydrogeology of the Kabul Basin, Part I-III Tünnemeier, T., Houben, G., Niard, N. (2003)

Part I: Geology, aquifer characteristics, climate and hydrography Part II: Groundwater geochemistry and microbiology Part III: Modelling approach - Conceptual and numerical groundwater models The Kabul Basin is a plateau surrounded by mountains located in the eastern central part of the country, and is the site of the Afghan capital. The Kabul Basin covers an area of around 1600 Km² and is divided up into three sub-basins. Basin fill mainly comprises Tertiary and Quaternary terrestrial and lucustrine sediments, primarily consisting of marls and interbedded sand and gravel horizons.

Bibliographic information

Tünnemeier, T., Houben, G., Niard, N. (2003). Hydrogeology of the Kabul Basin, Part I-III Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Hannover, Germany

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Groundwater protection (WG11)English


Hydrogeology of the Kabul Basin, Part I: Geology, aquifer characteristics, climate and hydrography

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Hydrogeology of the Kabul Basin, Part II: Groundwater geochemistry and microbiology

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Hydrogeology of the Kabul Basin, Part III: Modelling approach

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Hydrogeology of the Kabul Basin, Part I-III

Published in: 2003
Pages: 0

Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Hannover, Germany

Tünnemeier, T., Houben, G., Niard, N.

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