A guideline for municipalities Sanitation job creation DWAF (2005)

This guideline is intended for sanitation project planners and managers, particularly those who are officials within local government structures. The guideline has been compiled following a detailed study of the creation of employment on sanitation projects, both during the implementation stage and during the operation and maintenance stage. This guideline is structured to specifically provide key decision making information that can be used during the planning of sanitation projects to significantly enhance the creation of jobs on these projects. The guideline builds on the premise that the greatest sanitation challenge facing the country for the next six years is the provision of basic infrastructure to the poor who are currently not served, and for the next 15 years to ensure the effective operation and maintenance of the infrastructure.

Bibliographic information

DWAF (2005). A guideline for municipalities Sanitation job creation Ministry of water affairs (DWAF), Republic of South Africa

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A guideline for municipalities

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A guideline for municipalities

Published in: 2005
Pages: 0

Ministry of water affairs (DWAF), Republic of South Africa


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