Criteria of evaluation of rural and peri-urban settlements in West Africa Netssaf deliverable D03 Abaidoo, R. (2006)

The objective of this task will be to define a "Multidisciplinary criteria for the evaluation and classification of peri-urban and rural settlements with no access to improved sanitation" by proposing or identifying a set of indicators that are critical for the sustainability of sanitation systems in rural and peri-urban settlements. The work will propose a methodological framework for the assessment of the living conditions of the people in these areas. The component of the framework will include demography (human population growth, poverty, urban and rural population), economic conditions (production sectors, financial capacity, quality of life, distribution of income, etc.) and human and institutional capacity (authority, law enforcement, community organisations etc) and infrastructure. Netssaf is a coordination action sponsored by the European Commission with its objectives including the coordination and integration of current scientific researchers and technological innovations in Africa.

Bibliographic information

Abaidoo, R. (2006). Criteria of evaluation of rural and peri-urban settlements in West Africa Netssaf deliverable D03 Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST). Kumasi

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Criteria of evaluation of rural and peri-urban settlements in West Africa

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Criteria of evaluation of rural and peri-urban settlements in West Africa

Published in: 2006
Pages: 0

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST). Kumasi

Abaidoo, R.

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