Criteria for identification of key actors and dissemination criteria Netssaf deliverable D02 Keipp, W. (2006)

The overall objective of this document is to propose a set of criteria of identification and analysis of stakeholders and to elaborate dissemination criteria that ensure appropriate stakeholder participation. The specific objectives of this task are to: Define the criteria for stakeholder identification and analysis. Elaborate communication protocols to ensure the dissemination of NETSSAF research results leading to the active participation of stakeholders in the pursuit of sustainable sanitation. Netssaf is a coordination action sponsored by the European Commission with its objectives including the coordination and integration of current scientific researchers and technological innovations in Africa.

Bibliographic information

Keipp, W. (2006). Criteria for identification of key actors and dissemination criteria Netssaf deliverable D02 Bureau Ouest Africain d´Appui Organisationnel et de Technologies Appropriees (BOATA). Bamako, Mali

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Criteria foriIdentification of key actors and dissemination criteria

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Criteria for identification of key actors and dissemination criteria

Published in: 2006
Pages: 0

Bureau Ouest Africain d´Appui Organisationnel et de Technologies Appropriees (BOATA). Bamako, Mali

Keipp, W.

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