Identification of technical and non-technical requirements for large scale implementation Netssaf Deliverable D33 & D36 & D39 Jung, S., Rosemarin, A., Heeb, J. (2008)

The major objective in Work Package 4 is the development of a conceptual planning approach for supporting decisions in the field of sanitation on a large scale. It will also at the same time identify the technical and nontechnical requirements for the large-scale implementation of sustainable sanitation systems in West Africa. The specific objectives can be formulated as follows: To develop a conceptual approach for supporting decisions in the field of sanitation on a large scale. To apply this approach in typical cases, identifying suitable sanitation technologies for typical rural and peri-urban settlements, according to the characteristics and needs regarding technical, social, economical, environmental, institutional and legal aspects. To identify generally applicable technical requirements for the implementation of sustainable sanitation at large scale, mapping and contacting the existent regional suppliers of sourcing, logistics, installation, operation and maintenance, in order to prepare a West African database of Sanitation Supply. To identify generally applicable non-technical requirements (i.e. human and financial aspects) for the large-scale implementation of sustainable sanitation in West Africa. Netssaf is a coordination action sponsored by the European Commission with its objectives including the coordination and integration of current scientific researchers and technological innovations in Africa.

Bibliographic information

Jung, S., Rosemarin, A., Heeb, J. (2008). Identification of technical and non-technical requirements for large scale implementation Netssaf Deliverable D33 & D36 & D39 Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Stockholm; EcoSan Club Austria, Vienna; International Ecological Engineering Society (IEES), Wolhusen

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Report: Identification of technical and non-technical requirements for large scale implementation

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Identification of technical and non-technical requirements for large scale implementation

Published in: 2008
Pages: 0

Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Stockholm; EcoSan Club Austria, Vienna; International Ecological Engineering Society (IEES), Wolhusen

Jung, S., Rosemarin, A., Heeb, J.

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