Ecosan training handout from Yemen (in Arabic) Al-Ammari, S. et al. (2011)

This manual is a good example of the successful outcomes of the productive mutual cooperation between the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the Basic Education Support and Training (BEST – Yemen) Project; funded by the USAID, and the Government of Yemen (GY) through its Ministry of Education (MoE). The BEST Project and the MoE have worked collaboratively to ensure sustainable development where local resources are used wisely and sufficiently by the different Yemeni generations while at the same time building healthy school and community environment. ECOSAN was one area that the project introduced to the MoE as one significant system to reach sustainable environmental development. The Project facilitated a highly quality extensive training on ECOSAN at the Stockholm Environmental Institute – SEI in Stockholm, Sweden. The training, which targeted six key staff of the MoE and the BEST Project, introduced the participants to the ECOSAN theoretical background as well as recent researches and studies from different parts of the world. It also provided the participants with lots of technical details as well as cultural and psychological aspects related to applying ECOSAN system. The training program included different field visits as well to some ECOSAN sites which got participants to some of the real world of ECOSAN system, the way it works, how it represents the best healthy and sustainable environmental alternative. This manual represents one of the most important outcomes of the training. After the trained team returned back to Yemen they worked hardly and closely to use what they learned and experienced to come up with a training manual that reflects the Yemeni context. The manual starts by studying the challenges and issues related to the sanitation system in Yemen in general and at the Yemeni school building in particular. Then it presents some suggested alternatives that can fit the Yemeni context benefiting from other experiences in other similar contexts. The authors believe that ECOSAN is a must alternative for Yemen especially in the rural areas which represent more than %70 of the country land. The Authors hence hope that this manual would work as a critical step forward into considering the ECOSAN system in the Yemeni schools and communities for the benefit of the Yemeni children and for a better and healthy environment in Yemen so that it will again be truly referred to as the “Arabia Felix.”

Bibliographic information

Al-Ammari, S. et al. (2011). Ecosan training handout from Yemen (in Arabic) BEST Yemen, supported by United States Agency International Department (USAID)

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Urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs) Guidelines and manualsArabic


Ecosan training handout (in Arabic) part 1

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Ecosan training handout (in Arabic) part 2

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Ecosan training handout from Yemen (in Arabic)

Published in: 2011
Pages: 0

BEST Yemen, supported by United States Agency International Department (USAID)

Al-Ammari, S. et al.

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