A guide for an Integrated system of ecological sanitation in suburban and rural areas ECODESS Calizaya, J. C. et al. (2009)

Same as other countries in Latin America, Peru is observing an intense process of urbanization, centralized in the big cities. Now, more than ever, to appreciate the accentuated social difference and the consequent exclusion of the most poor, who inhabit the suburban areas, have difficulty feasibly accessing, among other aspects, of conventional services. ECODESS is a comprehensive alternative for sanitation management, for permanent new urban, suburban, and rural areas of Peru. It contributes to a change in attitude in relation to a new culture of using potable water and sanitation. It promotes the separation, treatment and reuse of domestic waste (greywater and excreta) in different areas of intervention, such as: the home, neighborhood or town center. It promotes the participation of local actors in the decentralized areas, low modalities, community business, policy, or a mix thereof.

Bibliographic information

Calizaya, J. C. et al. (2009). A guide for an Integrated system of ecological sanitation in suburban and rural areas ECODESS Fondo de las Americas Peru, Water for People, AVINA, CENCA

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OtherFaeces or faecal sludgeGreywater or wastewaterUrinePeri-urbanRuralEnglish


A guide for an Integrated system of ecological sanitation in suburban and rural areas

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A guide for an Integrated system of ecological sanitation in suburban and rural areas

Published in: 2009
Pages: 0

Fondo de las Americas Peru, Water for People, AVINA, CENCA

Calizaya, J. C. et al.

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