German development cooperation in the sanitation sector Special 157 BMZ (2009)

German Development Cooperation has been working for a long time to improve wastewater management. Its approaches are sustainable, protect natural resources and are target-group oriented. Ger-many also supports partner countries in imple-menting international agreements that include waste water treatment to protect transboundary waters. These comprise the 1976 Barcelona Convention for Protection Against Pollution in the Medi-terranean, the 1994 Convention for the Protection and Sustainable Use of the Danube River, the 1992 Convention on the Protection and Use of Trans-boundary Watercourses and International Lakes and the 1995 Protocol on Shared Water courses in the Southern African Development Community (SADC), to name but a few. German Development Cooperation thus contributes towards improving living conditions, especially for the poor, and towards environmental conservation. The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) views the International Year of Sanitation as an opportunity to review its activities in this sector and to intensify its ef-forts where appropriate and possible. Since 2007, the Ministry has also fostered the international exchange of sustainable sanitation initiatives by supporting the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance. An overview of German activities in the sanitation sector can be found in this publication.

Bibliographic information

BMZ (2009). German development cooperation in the sanitation sector Special 157 Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Bonn, Germany

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German development cooperation in the sanitation sector

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German development cooperation in the sanitation sector

Published in: 2009
Pages: 0

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Bonn, Germany


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