Sanitation systems and technology options Working Group 04

Leading Image
This working groups aims at delivering adequate information on all sustainability criteria of different sanitation systems and technologies. This includes possible sanitation technology configurations, and will facilitate decision making, implementation and operation.

Background: Why focus on sanitation systems and technology options?

Appropriate technology plays a crucial role for every sanitation system. Together with economic considerations, it is a decisive factor for the success of a sanitation system. One of the challenges for improving sanitation in low and middle income countries is to acquire sound knowledge of the wide range of sanitation options to assure informed decision making for the most feasible sanitation system.

This technology should be chosen according to health and hygiene as well as ecological, economical and financial factors and should best fit to the site-specific context. The technology selected should consider the entire sanitation chain, from the point of excreta generation through collection, transportation, treatment and safe use of treated material.



This working groups aims at delivering adequate information on all sustainability criteria of different sanitation systems and technologies. This includes possible sanitation technology configurations, and will facilitate decision making, implementation and operation.


Ways to get involved

As a SuSanA member, you are welcome to participate in the WG4 activities. Sign-up for the WG mailing list to be updated on the most recent news and events. You can contact us to inquire or share thoughts on how you are able to lead or contribute to one of the following activities (or any activities you judge relevant and significant to the WG):

Knowledge management and sharing

  • Share information and resources related to sanitation systems and technologies options (scientific papers, toolboxes, case studies, factsheets, technical drawings, BoQ, SOP, best practices)
  • Assemble a top 10 list of key documents to post on the SuSanA website
  • Become part of the Sanitation Wikipediateam and upgrade articles related to sanitation systems and technology options

Capacity development and learning

  • Provide information on up-coming capacity development activities (workshops, e-learning courses, training programs, webinars)
  • Share relevant learning material to help practitioners develop their skills (manuals, powerpoint presentation, MOOC)

Networking, collaboration and partnership

  • Promote networking, exchange and help people to connect within the WG and outside
  • Develop/strengthen partnership and collaboration within the sector
  • Organise and encourage active participation in events (offline and online)
  • Provide links to other networks and community of practices

Policy and advocacy

  • Use practical evidence (tried and tested concepts) to influence technical regulations, standards and guidelines
  • Raise awareness and advocate for a more holistic approach to sanitation

Post from DaveBates on 02.02.2024 Shallow Sewer System with Grinder Pumps - analysis of the pumps Total Replies: 1 • Last reply from DaveBates on 02.02.2024

Post from alexandra85 on 10.10.2017 What has happened lately in the Working Group 4? Total Replies: 3 • Last reply from eshaylor on 28.12.2017

Post from muench on 13.07.2017 Working Group 4 new title "Sanitation Systems and Technology Options" and updated objectives Total Replies: 2 • Last reply from alexandra85 on 15.08.2017

Post from alexandra85 on 12.07.2017 Introduction of the new co-leads of WG4 "Sanitation Systems, Hygiene and Health" Total Replies: 2 • Last reply from simon on 12.07.2017

Post from eshaylor on 25.01.2017 Meeting of Working Group 4 at the FSM4 Conference in Chennai, India, on 18 Feb? Total Replies: 15 • Last reply from MissNkhosi on 21.02.2017

Post from muench on 07.12.2015 Where can I find thematic discussions about sanitation systems and technology options here on the forum? Total Replies: 1 • Last reply from muench on 07.12.2015

Post from rahulingle on 23.11.2011 Update of the WG 04 factsheet on sanitation systems and technology options Total Replies: 8 • Last reply from muench on 27.10.2014

Post from cniwagaba on 09.07.2014 Proposed meeting of SuSanA Working Group 4 at World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden (Sept. 2014) Total Replies: 2 • Last reply from rosemaryenie on 10.07.2014

Santiago SEPTIEN STRINGEL, Pareshin NAIDOO, Akhil RAMLUCKEN, Freddie INAMBAO, Craig MCGREGOR, Jon POCOCK, Anusha SINGH (2023) Development of an In-Situ Faecal Sludge Solar Dryer at Pilot-Scale
WRC Final Report of the Project K5/2897

The present project (K5/2897) was about the development, testing and evaluation of two prototype solar thermal drying technologies for the treatment of faecal sludge, namely a greenhouse-type solar dryer and a screw conveyer, and it included a pre-feasibility study. The prototype testing showed that, temperatures between 35 and 45°C could […]

Santiago SEPTIEN, Arun Kumar RAYAVELLORE SURYAKUMAR, Larona MALOPE, Tanaka CHATEMA, Edwina MERCER, Jana DARMOVZALOVA, Jon POCOCK, Anusha SINGH (2023) Understanding Bound Water Content and Water Binding Strength in Faecal Sludge from On-site Sanitation Technologies and Human Faeces
WRC Final Report of the Project C2020/2021-00262

The aim of this project is to characterize the moisture boundness in faecal sludge, i.e. how moisture can be found in the sludge structure matrix and its interactions with the solid material. The understanding of moisture boundness will be greatly beneficial to improve the dewatering and thermal drying processes. The […]

Septien, S., Mupinga, R.T., Chatema, T.M., Perumal, S.R., Mary, E. (2021) Addendum of Data related to Drying of Faecal Sludge from On-Site Sanitation Facilities and Fresh Faeces

The present document consists of an addendum of data to the Handbook of Methods for Faecal Sludge Analysis. It is part of a project funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates (BMGF) through the OPP1164143, untitled “Characterization of faecal material during drying”. This project was granted for funding after the […]

Tilley, Elizabeth et al. (2008) Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies (1st Edition)
(in English, French, Korean, Nepali, Spanish and Vietnamese)

The objective the Compendium is threefold: 1. Expose the Compendium user to a broad range of sanitation systems and innovative technologies; 2. Help the Compendium user understand and work with the system concept, i.e. the process of building a complete system, by iteratively choosing and linking appropriate technologies; 3. Describe and fairly present […]

Tayler, K. (2018) Faecal Sludge and Septage Treatment
A guide for Low and Middle Income Countries

This book deals with the treatment of faecal material and supernatant water removed from on-site and decentralized sanitation facilities and systems. Its main focus is on treatment facility design but this can never be viewed in isolation. Rather, it must reflect local conditions, start from a realistic assessment of the […]





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