Join us for an insightful exploration of the sanitation journey of Kenya's water utilities, focusing on the compelling cases of Nakuru and Malindi. Discover how these two water utilities are driving transformational change in sanitation services, all in pursuit of their core mission of ensuring access to water and sanitation for all. NAWASCO and MAWASCO will tell us where they started and what motivated them to expand their service offering to include sanitation and faecal sludge management. Through their testimonies, we'll learn how they've progressed, what challenges they've faced and overcome, where they are now and what their aspirations are.
French version:
[h]WEBINAIRE#01 : Des défis aux succès - La transformation des services d'eau kenyans en matière d'assainissement à Nakuru et Malindi[/h]
Rejoignez-nous pour une exploration instructive du parcours en matière d'assainissement des compagnies d'eau du Kenya, en mettant l'accent sur les cas captivants de Nakuru et de Malindi. Découvrez comment ces deux sociétés d’eau œuvrent en faveur d'une transformation radicale des services d'assainissement, le tout dans le but de garantir l'accès à l'eau et à l'assainissement pour tous. NAWASCO et MAWASCO nous feront part de leurs débuts et de ce qui les a motivés à élargir leur offre de services pour inclure l'assainissement et la gestion des boues fécales. Grâce à leurs témoignages, nous apprendrons comment ils ont progressé, les défis auxquels ils ont été confrontés et surmontés, où ils en sont actuellement et quelles sont leurs aspirations.
[h]Priscillah Oluoch - Head of Sanitation Services - Malindi Water and Sewerage Company Limited[/h]
Priscillah Oluoch, Head of Sanitation Services at Malindi Water & Sewerage Company Ltd in Kilifi County, Kenya, boasts over 25 years of experience in the Water Sector. With a background in various operational roles, project design, and network supervision, Priscillah manages special programs involving collaboration with Development Partners, government, donors, and communities. She spearheaded Malindi's sanitation department, driving the city's mission of universal sanitation access through a City-wide Inclusive Sanitation Plan. Priscillah coordinates a diverse Steering Committee consisting of 14 government bodies, civil service organizations, and private sector entities to execute city-wide investment and action plans. Currently, she leads a development partner consortium, securing additional resources and implementing CWISP interventions.
[h]Zaituni Kanenje -Low Income Consumer Manager - Nakuru Water &Sanitation Company Limited (NAWASSCO)[/h]
Zaituni Kanenje is a sociologist with a Master's degree in Community Development, a Bachelor's degree in Social Work and Social Administration, and a diploma in Community Development. She is the head of low-income/informal areas at Nakuru Water & Sanitation Company (NAWASSCO), where her role focuses on providing water and sanitation services in Nakuru city. Zaituni is a passionate advocate for Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS), working to ensure universal access to safely managed sanitation through a variety of solutions and environmentally responsible practices.
[h]Chaiwe Mushauko-Sanderse – SuSanA Africa Chapter co-coordinator[/h]
Chaiwe Mushauko-Sanderse is an international development WASH professional with over a decade of experience. She has collaborated with prominent organizations such as GIZ, AfDB, Plan International, SNV, and others as a Technical Expert and consultant. Chaiwe specializes in integrating vital aspects like climate change, gender, and public health into WASH programs, along with contributing to sector Knowledge Management and project Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning. She holds a BSc. in Natural Resources Management from the University of Zambia and a Masters in Public Health from Moi University, Kenya. Chaiwe is the CEO of CaDev - Capacity Development, a social enterprise dedicated to fostering strong local capacities for sustainable and inclusive growth and development. She also serves as a Forum Moderator and African chapter co-coordinator for the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance Network (SuSanA).
Further Information
Recording of Webinar#01 in english
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